Services provided by Public Accountant Office Bayudi, Yohana, Suzy, Arie
Financial Reports Audit
Financial Reports Audit is a review of financial reports in order to provide independent opinion of fairness of the company's financial reports.
The review can be useful for many purpose e.g.
- As information to shareholder(s) or company owner(s)
- To support a debt proposal
- To meet any requirements needed by creditors or any related parties
- To meet tender, prequalification, and any other requirements
- For its own management interest
Audit execution is done based on Public Accountant Professional Standards which obliges the inspections done by personnels who have done adequate technical trainings and have expertise on audit fields. The auditor will be independent and keeping company data confidentiality, as stated on accountant profession code of ethics.
Audit Agreed Upon Procedure
An audit agreed upon procedure is an engagement which Public Accountant Office issues reports of any findings based on client-agreed audit procedures, which is done independently and professionally. Client needs can be varied and specific, so do the agreed procedure characteristics, periods, and scopes. Clients have to inform the needed audit procedure in order to accomplish the objectives.
Special Audit
Sometimes it's needed to do special reviews other than periodical audits.
The special reviews can be useful to many purposes, e.g.
- Preliminary reviews of selling/ buying company
- Case reviews for finding opportunities to merge a company with other(s)
- Special reviews for disclosing or stating any fraud
- Company valuation for opening new investor(s)
- etc
Accounting System Creation
Many business leaders face problems on finding and analyzing their real business result because of inadequate company accounting system. Thus, it's needed to create good accounting system in order to help them to do controlling and decision making. An adequate accounting system guarantees an internal control in creating financial reports, so the data shown in financial reports will be accurate and reliable.
Our office provides accounting system creation service for all kinds of company, assistance, and monitoring, to ensure it's well implemented.
Accounting Consultation
We provide services on financial consultations e.g. providing continuous assistance during certain period in order to enable the company to provide good transaction booking and control. Upon request, we can appoint senior staff(s) to attend shareholder or Board of Directors meetings.
Review Services
Review on financial reports aims to disclose important things that affect them.
Review procedures are executed by questionnaires and other analytic procedures which produce adequate foundations to provide limited confidence that no material modifications must be done on financial reports to meet general accounting principles and other comprehensive accounting basics.
Compilation Services
In compilation services, accountants help to provide financial reports complied with current financial accounting standards. Compilaton services are mostly needed by companies with no or inadequate accounting staffs.
Taxation Services
Our taxation services are:
- Tax inquiry form inspection
- Assistance of Tax annual report form (SPT) filing
- Companion in tax inspection process
- Drafting objection letter and tax claim/ restitution
- Advice in taxation related to contracts and financial transactions
- General advisor for taxation matters