Public Accountant Office “BAYUDI, YOHANA, SUZY, ARIE” was established in Jakarta on February 7, 1978 based on Permit #SI-00305/PK/413/1978 from Directorate General of State Financial Control. The legal document has been renewed several times. The latest permit are #915/KM.1/2014 for head office and # 188/KM.1/2015 for branch office.
Public Accountant Office “BAYUDI, YOHANA, SUZY, ARIE” is led by Bp. Drs. Bayudi Watu, CPA, accompanied by 3 partners i.e. Dra. Yohana Fransisca DH, CPA, CA (domiciled in Jakarta head office), Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA, CA (domiciled in Semarang branch office, ex officio Semarang Branch Manager), and Arie Sandy Rachim, SE, SH, MM, MSi, CPA, CA, BKP. It has approximately 50 employees spread in Jakarta head office (38 employees) and Semarang branch office (12 employees). All of the employees have bachelor and mastree degree (except for clerical and administration staffs).
Drs. Bayudi Watu, CPA (NIAP 98.1.0030)
Drs. Bayudi Watu, CPA is University of Indonesia, Jakarta graduate. He has been working as lecturer in University of Indonesia. He has more than 33 years of experience as lecturer, accountant, auditor, and consultant, as well as committe and advisor in few professional and social organizations.
Drs. Bayudi Watu, CPA's expertise areas are general trading, industry, service, real estate, finance, and retail.
Dra. Yohana Fransisca DH, CPA (NIAP 98.1.0031)
Dra. Yohana Fransisca DH, CPA is Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta graduate. She had experiences as accountant, auditor, and consultant for more than 24 years.
Dra. Yohana Fransisca DH, CPA's expertise areas are general trading, retail, industry, service, construction, foundation, and social organization.
Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA (NIAP 98.1.0032)
Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA is Diponegoro University, Semarang graduate. She got her master degree in management from Indonusa Esa Unggul University, Jakarta. She has been graduated from doctoral programme in accounting (Ph.D) from Diponegoro University, Semarang.
Until now, Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA has been teaching in few universities in Semarang and Salatiga. She is experienced as accountant, auditor, and lecturer for more than 26 years. Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA also takes role as IAPI (Indonesian Public Accountant Institute) coordinator in Central Java and DIY (Special Administrative Region of Yogyakarta) region. IAPI is the only public accountant organization recognized by Indonesian government.
Dr. Suzy Noviyanti, MM, CPA's expertise areas are general trading, retail, service industry, construction, finance, and foundation.
Arie Sandy Rachim, SE, SH, MM, MSi, CPA, CA, BKP
With more than 20 years of experience as an accountant, auditor and tax consultant, Arie Sandy Rachim was holding the degree in accounting from the Trisakti University Jakarta, in law from Wahid Hasyim University Semarang, Master degree in Management from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Master degree in accounting from Diponegoro University, Semarang.
Arie Sandy Rachim has had tremendous experience in handling special accounts in trading, manufacturing. He has also handled many cases in tax.
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Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia
Akuntan Bank Indonesia
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